
I’m an engineering manager, formerly a machine learning engineer and data scientist, with a PhD from Harvard University.

I build high-trust, high-functioning teams. We get to have our cake and eat it too: get better work done, more efficiently, while being well-supported as humans.

My work

I was the first engineering hire at Hidden Door, where I now lead the engineering team. We’re building AI-powered interactive narrative games that allow you to play a collaborative story in any fictional world. I’ve designed and built big chunks of our platform and APIs, including both ML and non-ML systems, introduced engineering practices like type annotations, testing, and feature flags, and collaborated with everyone from design to front-end engineering.

I’m excited about pushing the limits of safe, controllable machine learning for working with text and story. I love iterating towards best practices–especially as a team. You want lightweight but effective processes, kind and clear course corrections, and a group of people putting out work that we’re all confident is the most important stuff to be doing? That’s my jam as a leader.

As an engineer, Python is my main home. I’ve used classical machine learning to solve problems of classification and prediction (including time-series data and NLP), built interactive dashboards, implemented testing and type-checking in a large and untested codebase, and am known for being able to communicate this work with both technical and non-technical folks.

I am at my best when diving into a new area and learning rapidly to solve complex problems, absorbing best practices quickly as I go, and building and maintaining high levels of trust and communication in a remote team.